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Pitcher pot neourethral modification of ileal orthotopic neobladder
How to make pitcher's pot neobladder
#358 R. A. Radical Cystectomy with Intracorporeal modified Pitcher-pot neobladder- Dr. Sumit Agrawal
Robotic radical cystoprostatectomy with orthotropic neobladder : The PITCHER POT NEOBLADDER
Robotic W ileal neobladder
The Modified Studer Ileal Neobladder
Evolution of robot-assisted orthotopic ileal neobladder formation: step-by-step
How do I make Studer's Neobladder
Reconstruction steps of modified extracorporeal neobladder.
IASO Masterclass- Testicular tumor
Novel neobladder-urethral drag-and-bond anastomosis technique - Supplementary video 2 [ID 288673]